HTML Text Color Codes
This provides you with HTML text color codes that you can use to copy/paste into your own website.
You can change the color of the text by using the color
property.This is different to most text code where the property starts with 'font' or 'text'. This is because the 'color' property is used to specify the color of any HTML element (not just the color of the text).
The above code results in this:
This text has been styled using the CSS 'color' property.
Hexadecimal Values
You can also use the hexadecimal value for specifying text color. This is more powerful than using the color name because you have more colors to choose from with hexadecimal.
Here's an example using a hexadecimal value:
The above code results in this:
This text has been styled using the CSS 'color' property.
To see some sample hexadecimal colors, check out the HTML Color Codes.
To learn more about hexadecimal colors check out this article on Hex Color Codes.